Academic Resource and Information Technology. สำนักวิทยบริการเเละเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ

About Us          

            As officers of Officeof Academic Resource and Information Technology, we are aware of our mission that we work as supporters of the university’s learning and teaching to provide many forms of information sources. Our sources comprise of printing, television, and electronic media such as Thai and foreign languages textbook, research, theses, journals, newspapers, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and online databases in both forms of electronic books and journals. Moreover, our library follows the international standard which is modern and useful for students, lecturers, and outside visitors. Our management structure is divided into five sectors consisting of Division of Directing, Academic Resource Center, Educational Technology Division, Information Technology Division, and Language Center.

            The first division, the Division of Directing is responsible to provide services concerning personnel, finance and facilities, administration, policy and plan, quality assurance, and building and maintenance.

            Second, the Academic Resource Center works to provide, analyze, and organize information system to facilitate users to access books, textbooks, researches, theses, journals, newspapers, printing and Multimedia and electronic books and journals easily. With our updated search engine, the search of information would be more effective and accessible for users.

            Third, the Educational Technology Division supports the production of learning and teaching media and give audiovisual services such as video recordings, live broadcasting, TV cable system, and CCTV to broadcast news and activities with the university. In addition, the division also works to provide meeting rooms, classrooms, and multimedia theatre services.

            Forth, the Information Technology Division serves to provide services regarding the use of computer laboratories, computer and software training, Internet account, webpage creation for lecturers, MIS system, computer network and wifi, and computer system maintenance for all departments in the campus.

            Lastly, the Language Center is organized as the source of language learning. Tell Me More system is provide at the center to support self-access learning of many languages, for instance, English, French, Chinese, and Japanese.

            On behalf of the Office of Academic Resource and Information Technology, we will continue to offer excellent service for instructors and students at ChandrakasemRajabhat University and the community.

Designed and developed by : Suphawan Yamprayoon. Maintained by : Sangsan Kaewnor , Arit @CRU